Flyer Billboard
Here are flyers for upcoming events as supplied from event promoters and bands.
We will try to add new ones as they are made known to PolkaUSA.
Send flyers for upcoming POLKA events to:
===> EventFlyers@PolkaUSA.com
This service will be complimentary for the event hosts and bands for a few months.
There is a LOT of work and time that we must put in to both collect event flyers, sort and load them to this website. Then there is the work, at least weekly to update the website, adding new flyers and removing old ones. Also, we will attempt to keep them in chronological order (by date). Ask other website owners (webmasters) you know who are paid to do this about the time they spend on their sites.
We will determine when the promoters, venue (bar or hall) owners or bands will need to pay a nominal fee to advertise their PAID dances and events.
Please consider clicking the TIP JAR link above if you submit a flyer or get value from the flyers posted here!
We reserve the right to ADD flyers (as submitted), REMOVE flyers (for any reason) or REFUSE flyers for this page.
PolkaUSA does not create or validate the information in these flyers.
To enlarge a flyer, click on the flyer below.When viewing the enlarged flyer, you can view the previous or next one by clicking on the arrowheads to the right or left of the enlarged picture.
Featured Events
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Image caption
2025-02-07 Illinois Polkafest
2025-02-08 Valentines Dance
2025-02-15 Hard Times Dance
2025-02-15 Winter Frost Fest
2025-02-16 Sunday Dinner Dance
2025-02-16 Sweetheart Ball
2025-02-16 Sweetheart Dance & Party
2025-02-22 Carpathia Club Winterball
2025-02-28 Polish American Heritage Night
2025-03-01 Paczkowy Ball
2025-03-01 Zapusty Pre-Lenten Dinner Dance
2025-03-02 Mardi Gras Dance
2025-03-02 TAPS Polka Jam
2025-03-04 Wyandotte Paczki Day Polka Fest
2025-03-08 IPA Hall of Fame Benefit Dance
2025-03-09 Pack the Pantry
2025-03-15 Puco Yashus Shamrocking Bash
2025-03-15 USPA to Wecome Spring
2025-03-16 IPA - Let's Polka Unity Dance
2025-03-16 St Pat St Joe Day Polka Dance
2025-03-16 St Patrick Day Dance
2025-03-23 Polka Party at the Nook
2025-03-26 O{A-USPA Western PA Unity Dance
2025-03-28 Wheeling Polka Festival
2025-03-28 Wheeling Polka Festival
2025-04-13 TAPS Holy Toledo Sunday Dance
2025-06-08 Polka Mania
2025-06-13 TAPS Polih Summer Picnic
2025-07-02 Polka Fireworks
2025-08-28 IPA Conv Kick-Off Polka Party
3035-04-27 Polka Fest